So as we're like 14% through 2013 (according to the calculator on Satch's phone) it's high time for a bucket list update. For those of you who don't know, we've got a list of things we're going to do/achieve by the end of this year, and blog about the results. Although we've done an embarassingly small amount of stuff so far, there is at least enough that's worthy of an entire blog post!
Satch: So I started with a couple of the easy looking ones, with varying results! The first one I tried was the makeover one, and as I have not had a haircut for the last two years or so, I thought I'd have a complete revamp and try something a bit different.
Salt: Nice little T-Shirt you're wearing there Satch!
Satch: As you can see, I dyed it really dark brown and had a LOT of it cut off. The photo on the left doesn't do justice to how long it was, I could have been a freaking mermaid. That said, I'm not sure I'm loving the new look just yet. You can't just straighten it or leave it, you have to curl it or put it up to make it look good and that's EFFORT! The good news is that Cobb prefers it shorter, and Nathy Nath has also commented on how nice it looks, but the bad news is that my Mum walked in and said 'Oh, it looks like mine!' *Curls up in a corner and dies*.
I think I'll be happier when it's a bit longer, and I'm tempted to put a cheeky blonde streak in there somewhere, but at least there's something ticked off the list and I probably would have played it safe at the hairdressers if a makeover wasn't required, so at least I tried something new. I've also just started reading Salt's recommeded classic: On the Road, by Jack Kerouac. I've only just recently branched out into American literature and this was on my to-read list, so I'm very happy that Salt recommended it and I'm liking what I've read so far.
Other than that I made a poor attempt to learn new songs on the guitar (I don't think I'm the next Hendrix!) and piano. I tried jogging in preparation for our half marathon, but I nearly DIED so it's put me right off! I've started my novel (but, in fairness, that was because I had to last year for my degree and I haven't touched it in months!) and I've also made progress in the 'Learn to draw 3 new things' category - a shaggy dog and the back of Ryan Gosling! However, as I've written about them in another blog, you can read about it here.
Salt: So when we came up with the list, we split it into nice little month-by-month activities to split up the cost and time of things. Have either of us stuck to it? No. Does this make us spontaneous and interesting people? Why yes, yes it does.
With that in mind - so far I have nothing that I can post pictures of. But, that doesn't mean to say that I haven't been working at it!
Here's a picture of me, just to break up the entry a bit...
Satch recommended the book 'Persuasion' by Jane Austen for me to read, and I've started that. So far, it's very enjoyable. And bonus - its free to download on a Kindle. Even if it's the worst book in the world (which it doesn't seem it will be) nobody has lost out on anything.
Bless you, copyright regulations. Bless you. I'll let you know when I finish it!
Satch: As an English graduate I refuse to condone the use of Kindle's. Just so we're clear.
Salt: You're wrong. So wrong. They're so very convenient and lovely!
Salt: Secondly, I have started half marathon training. My gym membership has finally been put to use again since before Christmas, and I've been
I baked something I've never baked before - cookies! I've always been more of a cupcake baker, so these cookies made a nice change. You can read all about them here.
Finally, I may be a little behind in this, but I have started writing a novel. Yup. (And before any of you ask, no it's not going to feature any rich billionaires, vampires, or BDSM). Win. 1 chapter down, 11 to go. I feel that this one was potentially geared more towards Satch and her Creative Writing degree, but people read 'Fifty Shades of Grey' and that was horrendously written, so I think I'm in with a chance.
Satch: So what do you reckon, kids? Who's winning at the bucket list so far?
Salt: Since when was it a competition?!
Satch: Fine, who's made the most...progess? Have any of you had a makeover malfunction like me? Or read anything good lately like Salt?
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