Satch here. I've recently become really into recycling and upcycling stuff - much to the annoyance of my mother who is much grieved by the fact that I won't throw anything away in case I can use it later! One thing I have discovered the joys of is, to paraphrase The Sound of Music, brown paper with string.
I've seen blogs that take the brown paper and string wrapping a bit further, so I decided to give it a try for my Grandma's birthday (who, incidentally, did not really care either way).
For this one, you will need:
Brown paper (preferably recycled, as I've done with the bag that mum's Jamie Oliver order came in!)

A Flower
A Leaf
A Black Pen
and, obviously, a present!
Start, as you would expect, by wrapping the present in the brown paper. Leave it face up.
Then it's time for the string (please keep up this is very challenging stuff!) Cut a piece a string about three times the length of your present, and lay it across the middle, lengthways, with an equal amount of string on either side. Then, turn the present upside down, pull both ends of the string to the middle, cross them, and pull them taught so that the ends are now going along the width in either direction. (It's at this point that I wish I had more pictures!) Then, turn the present rightside up, and thread each end under the original line of string, like so:
Then it's time for your leaf! Write the recipient's name on the leaf with your black pen (who, by the way, did not notice this detail!)
Pierce a small hole at the stalk end of the leaf, thread it on your string, and tie it in place.
All that remains is to tie the string in a nice bow, and thread the flower behind. My apologies for the terrible fuzzy photo!
I'm enjoying experimenting with different things for ribbons and labels. Using lace instead of string looks really cool, or I did this for Bridey's birthday:
For this I used a brown card tag, and nicked a few bits out of my mum's bowl of pot pouris to make it pretty! There were four string ends to deal with (two from the tag and two from the present) so I plaited them which looked cool, but took ages for the Wife to open!
What do you think? Got any new twists on old classics like this? We'd love to hear them.
Until next time,
Satch x
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