Friday, 19 April 2013

Clapper Board Cards

Hey kids, Satch here. 

On Tuesday, it was our friend Nathy Nath's birthday. I spent the afternoon making his present (a mix CD of the Perks of Being a Wallflower songs, if you're interested) and was getting ready to leave the house and go see him when I realised I hadn't got him a card - shock! Horror! 

To be honest, he probably wouldn't have cared, but it was the principle! (I'd like to point out that Salt totally didn't make him one :P) I had like ten minutes before I had to leave so, if you've got a bunch of craft stuff knocking about your house - as I do - this may be a good quick card to have up your sleeve in case of a card-mergency. That's totally a thing. Also, it helps if the person you're making the card for likes films...but who doesn't?!

You will need: 
Black Card
A Ruler
A White Pencil (I considered chalk but figured it would rub off. If you have more time, paint would show up better.) 

To be honest, this doesn't need a whole lot of explaining. I copied a google image of a clapper board, and then filled in the spaces with personal details. (If you care, I put James and Naomi on the camera slot because they have cameras - and were the other two people there on Tuesday - the date is Nathan's birthday, it's scene 1 because we're going out on saturday and take 23 because he turned - you guessed it - 23.) 

There you have it! 

Until next time, 

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