Friday, 10 May 2013

Bestie Bucket List Update #2

Salt: Hello one and all! We're now well into our fifth month of 2013, so I thought we were due a Bucket List update...mainly, because unlike last time, I now actually have something to report.

First thing I can cross off (kind of) is 'Makeover'. By which I mean, I had a haircut. And that haircut is the same as it has been for the last two years.
So, by definition not a makeover, in the slightest. However, as Satch can confirm, I have had many hair makeovers over the years, and not many have been successful. Ladies and Gents, I present to you the worst haircuts I've ever had.

The full fringe that slowly became curtains...

The bob, that stayed a nice stylish length for all of about a week....

And who could forget, the black hair that permanently looked greasy?!

I've had my fair share of makeovers, and I don't want anymore. If this doesn't count, I'll let Satch do my make-up sometime instead.

Satch: Man, is she going to regret saying that! 

Salt: More excitingly, I tried my hand at drawing and came up with this little picture of me and my good friend Rogfog at a New Years Eve Party at Satchs:

I can guaranttee that I looked a lot less passionate in the original photo, and that Rogfog looked a lot less manic. Also, despite common opinion, my hands are not THAT big.

My final progression on the Bucket List is a sneaky entry - I passed my driving test!!
I didn't tell anyone when my test was, and very few people even knew I was learning, but SO pleased to be able to tick this one off of the list.
It took 5 years, 2 theory tests and 4 practical tests, but I FINALLY got there.

Satch: I am well jealous/proud of that one! 

With my bucket listy exploits there's not a great deal to report. Been working on learning a new song or two (which I am DEFINITELY not ready to unveil to the world just yet!) and my cousin Harvey is on his way back to England in two month's time so that's definitely the saga-in-one-sitting covered (Tim Burton's Batmans, if you were wondering). Also, Salt-face and I have booked our tattoos for June 1st - AAAAAAH! 

I was going to cross putting on a meal for my friends off the list, but Salt said it doesn't count - bucket list nazi. However, I have baked something I've never baked before :) I thought I invented this as an idea, but it turned out Mary Berry beat me to it (is there anything that woman hasn't done?). I'm still so proud of it it definitely deserves it's own blog post but let me just say this: Lemon Drizzle Sponge Squares. Intrigued? I know you are! 

We'll let you know how our ink turns out :) 

Until next time, 
Satch and Salt

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